Measuring Effective Teaching
-- This blog is the beginning of weekly emails sent to colleagues interested in higher education teaching research --

Several of you have expressed your appreciated receiving the article I sent on teaching and learning (specifically, "Student evaluation of teaching ratings and student learning are not related”), so I thought I would send along another article. This one is older (2005), but I believe it provides a good summary of ideas to determine effective teaching. The article is entitled “A Survey of 12 Strategies to Measure Teaching Effectiveness by Ronald Berk, PhD.
In addition, I would like to share that I have created perhaps a “13th” strategy to use Classroom Observations as Assessment Data to Measure and Evaluate Teaching Effectiveness, which addresses assessment, measurement and evaluation through classroom observations, that the Center can provide (thank you to those of you who have already allowed me to visit your class). The essence of this strategy is that we collect objective assessment data and provide to you along with a measurement rubric, which you use to evaluate your own effective teaching. If you are interested, I am happy to chat further and/or share the proposal, which is currently being piloted.