Diverse Methods for SoTL

We thought that we would share a paper by our guest speaker Dr. Hubball for next week’s event, entitled "Diverse Methodological Approaches and Considerations for SoTL in Higher Education” by authors Harry Hubball and Anthony Clarke from the University of British Columbia. He will be sharing with us next Friday February 16 at 11.30 AM in the Center on the topic of "The Scholarship of Educational Leadership in Diverse Research-Intensive University Contexts.”
Today's article summarizes his work on SoTL as a distinctive form of research that is shaped by multidisciplinary contexts and focuses on practice-driven institutional/curricula/classroom inquiries with an explicit transformational agenda. He reminds us that there are a wide range of methodological approaches (e.g., experimental design, action research, self-study, case study research, grounded theory research, classroom ethnography, implementation analysis, phenomenological study, program development/evaluation research, survey research, longitudinal study research) to investigate SoTL research questions in diverse settings (Bogdan & Biklen, 2006; Bullough & Pinnegar, 2001). In this paper, he provides examples of Diverse Methodological Approaches Inquiries, using categories of Research context and question, Methodological approach, Data collection methods and General Outcomes.