Social Emotional Development

We would like to share a 2011 paper by a colleague, Dr. Craig Seal, et al. The paper is entitled, "Social Emotional Development: A new model of student learning in higher education”.
Seal defines Social Emotional Development as the integration of the theory of social intelligence (Thorndike, 1920), emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1998), and competence development (Boyatzis, 1982) applied toward educational practice. The model includes four distinct, but inter-related factors:
(1) self awareness,
(2) consideration of others,
(3) connection to others, and
(4) impacting change.
The model is organized along two dimensions:
(1) recognition of self and others (awareness and consideration); and
(2) regulation of relation and task (connection and impact).
Ultimately, the authors determine that by focusing attention on whole-student development, including social and emotional along with academic skills, higher education will be better positioned to prepare students for an increasingly dynamic world.
Seal, C., Naumann, S., Scott, A., & Royce-Davis, J. (2011). Social emotional development: a new model of student learning in higher education. Research in Higher Education Journal.