Measuring Student Engagement

I am thrilled to share another request, on the topic of how to measure student engagement. I will actually share several articles and provide a summary for each:
Encouraging and Evaluating Class Participation (2013) - Some faculty create rubrics which structure student participation and delineate tasks students should perform. This paper reviews the literature, identifies themes encouraging and grading class participation and provides examples to increase participation.
Linking Rubrics and Academic Performance: An Engagement Theory Perspective (2018) - This paper introduces an assessment rubric and examines student grades across three conditions: i) when students do/ do not have the marking rubric, ii) when students do/do not engage with a discussion about how and why to use the rubric, and iii) when students do/do not engage with the rubric discussion plus additional resources.
Increasing Student Engagement in Higher Education (2017) - Using effective teaching methods can stimulate student engagement, and that engagement is associated with positive learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to learn more about engagement, and how to increase in higher education. This study offers solutions to increase engagement including a framework of principles, and effective teaching methods.
The Measure of Student Engagement: Comparative Analysis of Various Methods and Student Self-report Instruments (2012) - Authors describe strengths and limitations of methods for assessing student engagement (i.e., self-report measures, experience sampling techniques, teacher ratings, interviews, and observations). They compare and contrast 11 self-report survey measures used in prior research; and outline limitations and future directions.
Behavioral Engagement Related to Instruction (2015) - Measures university student behavioral engagement, defined as on-task behavior in the classroom.
Measuring Classroom Engagement by ComparingInstructor Expectations with Students’ Perceptions (2012) - This paper highlights a survey designed to help individual faculty members learn about their students and provides a comparison of instructors’ expectations with students’ perceptions.
Measuring Students’ Cognitive Engagement (2011) - This study examines the factor structure of a scale modified to measure students’ cognitive engagement specifically on assessment tests. A 2-factor model of cognitive engagement supports the interpretation of two sub-scale scores. The relationship between these sub-scores and scores on measures of motivation and goal orientation further supports two separate sub-scales of cognitive engagement.