Learning Theories

Instead of a SoTL article, this week I would like to share an extensive resource on Learning Theories (Schunk, 2012), which should be available in your library. Belford (2013) has written a review, which may be helpful.
Belford summarizes the chapter on Information processing , focusing on how people acquire, encode, store, and retrieve knowledge. Concepts such as iconic and echoic sensory registers, episodic and semantic memory, spreading activation, propositional networks, schema development, automaticity, and procedural, declarative, and conditional knowledge are discussed.
Schunk defines learning as "an enduring change in behavior, or in the capacity to behave in a given fashion, which results from practice or other forms of experience."
He shares information on the Neuroscience of Learning; Behaviorism; Social Cognitive Theory; Information Processing; Constructivism; Cognitive Learning; Motivation; and Self-Regulation. There are also sections, which may be of interest on:
Assessment of Learning using Direct Observations, Written and Oral Responses, Self-reports
Relation of Learning and Instruction
How Does Learning Occur?
What is the Role of Motivation and Self-regulation?
What are the Implications for Instruction?
Schunk, D. (2012). Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective, 6th edition. Pearson: Boston. ISBN Number: 079-0137071951