Curation of Educational Material

This week, I would like to share an articled shared with me by colleague Yanyue Yuan. The 2013 article is entitled "Curation, Curation, Curation" by Wolff and Mulholland. The authors argue that "for curation to support learning, the curation site has to allow the content curator to research and tell stories through their selected content and for the consumer to rewrite the story for themselves." The paper "introduces the notion of ‘recuration’ to describe a process in which shared content can be used as part of learning."
The paper states that "a secondary learner need not follow the same path as the curator, nor reach the same conclusion. Instead they might choose to access the story in a different way and make different interpretations. This learner might even bring in additional knowledge and personal interests, backed up by further research to produce a completely new output of their own. This can be seen as a curatorial inquiry learning cycle, with the act of learning from a curated output being referred to as recuration."
The stages of a curatorial inquiry learning process include:
Content selection and collection
Interpretation of individual content
Interpretation across content
Wolff, A, & Mulholland, P. (2013). Curation, curation, curation. In: Narrative and Hypertext (NHT'13), 1-3 May 2013, Paris, France.