Effective Teaching Attributes

This week, I would like to share foundational and recent resources on Effective Teaching Attributes for your consideration. There are many ways to assess and measure teaching effectiveness, it seems the key is to identify appropriate instruments and find a way to create an accessible method for instructors and perhaps departments to engage. Foundational teaching resources include:
McKeachie, W. & Gibbs, G. (1979). McKeachie's teaching tips: Strategies, research, and theory for college teachers. Houghton Mifflin.
Demmon-Berger, D. (1986). Fifteen characteristics of good teaching, American Association of School Administrators, Arlington, VA. Characteristics found among effective teachers indicate they are good managers, use systematic instruction techniques, have high expectations, believe in their own efficacy, vary teaching strategies, are caring, are democratic in their approach, are task-oriented, are concerned with perceptual meanings, are comfortable interacting with others, are accessible, flexible and imaginative.
Chickering, A. & Gamson, Z. (1987). Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education, AAHE bulletin. The authors found that good practice in undergraduate education encourages contact between students and faculty; develops reciprocity and cooperation among students; encourages active learning; gives prompt feedback; communicates high expectations; and respects diverse talents and ways of learning.
Ramsden, P. (2003). Learning to teach in higher education: 13 principles of good teaching, Routledge publisher. Effective university instructors tend to arouse curiosity; have concern and respect for students; offer appropriate and timely feedback, and challenge; create an engaging environment; and encourage students to learn from each other.
Onwuegbuzie et al. (2007). Students’ perceptions of characteristics of effective college teachers: A validity study of a teaching evaluation form. American Educational Research Journal, 44(1), 113-160. Attributes found that students believe instructors should be communicators, advocates, responsible, empowering, responsive, enthusiast, student centered, experts and ethical.
More recent effective university teaching references include:
Boise State Implementing a Framework for Assessing Teaching Effectiveness
Colorado State Teaching Effectiveness Framework
U of Kansas Benchmarks for Teaching Effectiveness
U of Massachusetts Amherst Transforming the Evaluation of Teaching
U of Oregon Continuous Improvement and Evaluation of Teaching System
U of Southern California Excellence in Teaching Initiative