HIIPs Emerging Values Model

Over the years, many faculty have asked about how active learning can interface with group work. This week, I would like to share a scholarly article, which was just published in the Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education. The article is entitled, High-Impact Educational Practices’ (HIIPs) Influence on the Emerging Values Model: Group Work Impact by Ericksen and Williamson-Ashe (2021). You may recall that I blogged about HIIPs about a year ago (March 2020). In this week's article, the researchers examined the impact of HIIPs integrated in different group elements (groups course, in-class group activities, and a learning community) on student perceived group work experience related to the Emerging Values (EV) model. Original Baylor College of Medicine Value Teams research found that team learning is beneficial for communication, problem solving, and student engagement (Levine et al., 2004).
The EV model represents how academic group work was beneficial to students, specifically asserting merit associated with peer value and group work value. EV suggests, student participants reported peer values and group work values through their involvement in course group assignments. Students included specific skills they gained and the value of collaboration with their peers as valuable in their success as students. Additionally, student participants found group work to be valuable in decision-making and problem solving (Williamson-Ashe & Ericksen, 2019).
The findings suggest participation in various high-impact practice group elements (three cohorts; group course, learning community, and group activity integration) promotes a gain in knowledge and value for group work. All three cohorts reported some benefit from their participation in the group experience. Additionally, the EV Model offers a good reminder to educators and students that experiential group work assists in the best understanding of the process to become effective group professionals and that they need to overtly discuss the positive outcomes of group work.
Ericksen, K. & Williamson-Ashe, S. (2021). High-Impact Educational Practices’ (HIIPs) Influence on the Emerging Values Model: Group Work Impact. Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education, 3(2), 47–75.
Levine, R., O'Boyle, M., Haidet, P., Lynn, D., Stone, M., Wolf, D., & Paniagua, F. (2004). Transforming a clinical clerkship with team learning. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 16(3), 270- 275. http://brando.med.uiuc.edu/facultydev/classroom/interactivemethods/Levine.pdf
Williamson-Ashe, S.,& Ericksen, K.S. (2019). Validating social work student value theme perceptions using the emerging values model. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 16(1), 53–62. https://jswve.org/download/spring2019/Full-issue-16-1-JSWVE-Spring-2019.pdf