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Interdisciplinary PBL

Colleagues, as we continue to integrate meaningful educational technology to enhance our active, research=based pedagogical methods, I would like to share a very recent article this week written by a new colleague. The SoTL article is entitled, Practical strategies for overcoming challenges in interdisciplinary project-based learning (PBL) by Li, Lim, & Leach (2024).

The authors remind us of the advantages of integrating PBL into our methods, which includes “encouraging students to combine knowledge from different subjects to solve complex, real-world problems.” They further note potential challenges such as “ensuring fair and transparent project assignments and maintaining smooth communication between students and teachers.” Their article explores strategies to overcome these and to promote students’ independence:

  1. Ensuring equitable and transparent project allocation: The authors used an “open-source Moodle LMS plugin called Fair Allocation to optimize project allocation. It promotes transparency by allowing students to explore project details and prerequisites online in their own time. It also facilitates a more self-directed approach to students’ learning journeys by allowing them to browse PBL on their strengths and interests.”

  2. Enhancing student autonomy and interdisciplinary learning: This research “implemented student-centered pedagogical methods to foster a culture of autonomy via personalized learning paths; designing projects that are tailored to students’ interests; real-time feedback; and encouraging risk-taking.”

  3. Promoting effective communication between students and educators: The authors suggest “adopting a multifaceted communication strategy that leverages technology. Strategies can include:

  4. using relevant digital platforms which they incorporated in their previous study showed that setting up a digital platform specifically for discussions and feedback significantly improved communication;

  5. scheduling check-ins through virtual meetings, progress reports or casual conversations; 

  6. establishing unambiguous guidelines and expectations at the project’s inception helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures all involved are aligned; and 

  7. disseminating detailed project briefs, timelines and assessment rubrics helps with managing expectations and cultivates transparency and clarity that aids collaboration and the learning process.”

For more information on these articles feel free to review the Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) Research Centre for AI and Education website and/or contact the Center Co-Director and lead author of this paper, Dr. Na Li at


Li, N., Lim, E. G., & Leach, M. (2024). Practical strategies for overcoming challenges in interdisciplinary project-based learning (PBL). Textual work, Times Higher Education (THE). 

Li, N., Wang, Q., Liu, J., & Marsick, V. (2022). Improving interdisciplinary online course design through action learning: a chinese case study, Action Learning: Research and Practice, 19(1) 49-64, DOI: 10.1080/14767333.2021.2002681 


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