Online Courses and Quality Matters Rubric

This week, I would like to share updated research on one of the major measurement instruments for online learning (OL), the Quality Matters Rubric (QMR). The paper entitled, “Students’ agreement with QM® rubrics as benchmarks for online course quality” is by Sanosi (2023). Chances are most of you are aware of QM and perhaps are using them in your OL courses. For those who are unfamiliar with QM, here is a brief summary:
Quality Matters is a faculty-centered, peer review process designed to certify the quality of online and blended courses (QM, 2021). Since its first launch in 2003, the QM program has targeted three components:
QM rubrics,
peer review, and
professional development (Budden & Budden, 2013).
QM rubrics have undergone slight changes over the years. The sixth version (2020) includes 42 specific standards.
The study adopted a mixed method where quantitative data were gathered by surveying 112 university students using a QM-based questionnaire of 42 items. Using average scores of the participant responses to the questionnaire, the researcher compared their evaluation to the QM general and specific standards. Furthermore, focus-group interviews were conducted to validate and justify the quantitative data.
The findings revealed that the participants agreed to 71% of the QM rubrics. They overvalued standards related to learners’ privacy, course introduction, assessment, and technology while undervalued outcomes, learner support and accessibility. These results imply reconsidering OL course quality by focusing more on using variable technologies and tools that engage students in the experience and facilitate interaction.
Sanosi, A. (2023). Students’ agreement with QM® rubrics as benchmarks for online course quality, The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 21(3), 175-187.