Online PBL

This week I would like to share a recent update on integrating project-based learning (PBL) into an online course. The paper is entitled, “Global Challenges: Engaging Undergraduates in Project-Based Learning Online” by Matthews-DeNatale, et al. (2024).
For this research, courses were designed to help students develop key intrapersonal and interpersonal skills as well as academic proficiencies. A faculty development team conducted a systematic study of the courses during the first three semesters of implementation. The investigation’s guiding question was,
“To what extent, and in what ways, can learning experience design, online structure, and facilitation support PBL learning, teamwork, and a sense of connection among students in asynchronous courses?”
Data sources included student surveys, instructor reflections, and course observations. Findings highlighted the importance of a learning experience design infrastructure to support PBL development addresses the following:
design supports for challenge development are necessary, but not sufficient,
an online course architecture that reinforces PBL needs to be developed;
student attention to course resources needs to be scaffolded within the course and optimized for the online modality; and
a system for instructor mentoring in online PBL pedagogy is important.
The article highlights iterative improvements made to the course structure and instructor preparation to effectively facilitate PBL online. In the first phase, the authors discuss challenges faced in facilitating PBL online, including problematic team dynamics and the need for instructors to support self-directed learning. Findings from the pilot phase showed that while challenges were successfully designed, course structure and facilitation didn't adequately support students in the PBL process.
In the second phase, revisions were made to the course structure and facilitation. The course architecture was revised to align with the phases of PBL, with modules in the LMS corresponding to each phase. Additionally, the course template was revised to scaffold student work and guide instructor facilitation, with added emphasis on team agreements and practice activities. An instructor orientation program was also introduced, where doctoral students were trained in PBL and online teaching. Mentoring and support were provided throughout the teaching experience.
In the third phase, a sustainable system for course development was formulated, along with dissemination efforts to promote the adoption of PBL across the university. A model course was established along with documentation and processes for building courses.
Matthews-DeNatale, G., Poklop, L., Plews, R. & English, M. (2024). Global Challenges: Engaging Undergraduates in Project-Based Learning Online. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 12(6) (February).