Peer Observation Guide

For many reasons, we may be asked to visit and observe a colleague to assist in gathering formative data for continuous reflection and improvement of our teaching. Over the years, I have developed an intensive research-based class (and online) observation protocol [many of you have engaged in this program - for those who have not, I am happy to share this protocol, just let me know].
This week, I would like to share an abbreviated two page guide for those of you who might be visiting a colleague. Or if you would like to ask a colleague to visit your class, this guide could be a useful outline for them to follow as prompts. For many of the items, references to research are provided at the bottom, which shows the link between the practice and enhanced learning.
Example categories and attributes include:
Preparation and Organization: The instructor...
has class session content (knowledge, skills, or dispositions) and activities aligned with the class session learning outcomes. [1] [2]
has organized the material into an obvious, explicit, and logical framework. [3]
Connects to students’ prior knowledge, lessons, assignments, and/or readings. [7] [8]
Draws upon scholarly works, including current research and developments. [3]
Draws upon student experience or current events. [5] [7].
Interaction and Social Climate: The instructor…
Uses a system to gain student attention early in the session.
Uses respectful, accessible and inclusive language and works to ensure a respectful and open learning community. [11]
Is relaxed, facilitates interaction well and is willing to engage often and deeply with students. [23]
Uses student names in appropriate manner. [23]