Learning Environment
This week I would like to share recent research on the effects of the learning environment on learning. The paper is entitled, “ Dynamic...
Midterm Learning Status
Many of us are nearing the middle of our academic term. While some are offering midterm exams, others are reviewing/supporting PBL...
Using AI Assistants for PBL
I have not shared research on the potential of generative AI in higher ed for several weeks (Aug 30, 2024). I do receive a wide variety...
Teaching Success
Exactly eight years ago on October 15, 2016 I began sharing these SoTL articles, which now totals over 300! You can access all articles...
Learning Assistants Program
This week I would like to share a recent article on building a Learning Assistant (LA) Program. The article is entitled, “ Building a...
Inquiry and Direct Instruction
There has long been a discussion on how to best integrate active learning, especially knowing that this approach to teaching has been...
Reciprocal Peer Observations
Many of us are settling into the academic term and finding our rhythm. Often, this is a good time to consider a classroom observation as...
Unpleasantness of Thinking
This week I would like to share a SoTL article that I found interesting and was able to connect to an earlier article that I shared on...
Costs of Multitasking
As many of us are getting to know our students early in the term, this week I would like to share a couple of SoTL articles that focus on...
Assessment Feedback: Student Perspective
Many of us have finished our first week of classes, others are preparing for next and still others on the quarter system have several...