Interdisciplinary PBL
Colleagues, as we continue to integrate meaningful educational technology to enhance our active, research=based pedagogical methods, I...
GenAI Syllabus Guides
I continue to receive questions (thank you) on how to integrate generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in a productive way into...
Metatalk Moves
This week I would like to share a very recent SoTL article describing updates on the advantages of creating metacognitive opportunities...
Are LMS Useful?
This week I would like to share a recent SoTL article that may seem tangential to teaching and learning, and perhaps many of us as...
GenAI Teaching Resources
This week I would like to first thank all of you who have shared ideas and resources with me over the years. Most recently, I have...
Teaching Video Attributes
Many of us are teaching in various modalities, which can include face-to-face (F2F), blended/hybrid or online. In each of these learning...
Starting a New Term
Happy New Year! As most of us begin a new academic term, I thought it might be helpful to share (remind) us of research-based...
2023 Summary Teaching Data
Today is the final Friday SoTL blog article of 2023. Chances are that many of you have been tracking effective teaching ideas as well as...
Tech and Learning 2023
As we near the end of 2023, I would like to share a compilation of “Tech & Learning: Year in Review” by Bendici (2023) articles from the...
Reflective Teaching
As many of us might be reflecting on the past academic term while considering the next term, this week I would like to share a resource...