Taking a Community Approach to Curriculum Change
This week we would like to share an article entitled, “Taking a Community Approach to Curriculum Change”. This article addresses the need...

Teaching Books
This week we would like to share our 36th weekly SoTL article! Therefore, instead of a paper, we would like to share a list of 10...

Peer Reviewed Exploration in Teaching
Today, we are sharing a paper published this year entitled “Peer-Reviewed Exploration in Teaching: A Program for Stimulating and...

Backward Design for College
This week, we were fortunate to offer our eighth Course Design Studio over the past year, so it seemed appropriate to share recent...

Speed Partnering, VoiceThread, Peer Eval
This week, we would like to share research from the International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Ed entitled “A Multifaceted...

Online Learning
This week, I would like to share a 2015 paper, by Joseph Cavanaugh entitled, A Large Sample Comparison of Grade Based Student Learning...

Teaching International Students
This week, I would like to share a recently published article by a colleague on the topic of Faculty Development Adjustments for...

Thinking about thinking
A topic that arises occasionally during conversations is student self-reflection and metacognition. An article published recently by a...

Assessing Instructor Effectiveness
The conversation of Teaching Effectiveness seems to be ever present here, on many campuses and in the literature. This week, I would like...

Lecture and Understanding
This week, I would like to share an article on "The More I Lecture, The Less I Know If They Understand” by Grant Wiggins (from our...