Un-grading Update
This week I would like to share an update on the concept of “Ungrading.” The paper is entitled, “Success Was Actually Having Learned:’...

Online PBL
This week I would like to share a recent update on integrating project-based learning (PBL) into an online course. The paper is entitled,...

Class Seating
This week I would like to share a recent article by two of our colleagues. The study explores the effect of seat selection by students in...
Navigating the Human Active Interface
I ran across an old proposal that I wrote with a colleague about eight years ago when I was working in Hawaii. I thought I would share...

Essential Teaching Skills
This week, I would like to share a variety of resources on essential teaching skills. Hopefully one or more of these will resonate with...

Ed Chatbots
There has been much written about automation in higher ed over the years, at times supported by related research. Many of us use...

GenAI and Self-Regulated Learning
As we continue to monitor the potential benefits and challenges of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in higher education, I...

Interdisciplinary PBL
Colleagues, as we continue to integrate meaningful educational technology to enhance our active, research=based pedagogical methods, I...

GenAI Syllabus Guides
I continue to receive questions (thank you) on how to integrate generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in a productive way into...
Metatalk Moves
This week I would like to share a very recent SoTL article describing updates on the advantages of creating metacognitive opportunities...