2020 Flexible Teaching

Greetings and welcome back to our weekly teaching blog. I hope that everyone has been able to rest, relax and perhaps find a bit of time to catch up on teaching research (pre and post COVID). Since faculty reading this blog are located in different parts of the world, which now have different teaching modes, I will try to provide a broad sense of teaching approaches for your consideration.
As we prepare for the upcoming term, chances are high that we are considering how we might integrate flexibility in our teaching, since some of us may be starting the term face-to-face (F2F), then transition; or perhaps the opposite (beginning online, then migrating to F2F instruction). In either case, I would like to share a few ideas to consider when updating your course syllabus.
The California State University reminds us to address Alternate Assessments, Equity, Privacy and Disability Accommodations. They share the following resources:
Cal Poly Options for Virtual Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation
Rutgers Alternative Assessments (Take at home assessments, Annotated bibliography, E-Portfolio, Non-Traditional Projects, Infographic)
How Can Students Generate Evidence of Their Learning in a Remote World? Recording of the April 2020 by the Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning.
Syllabus ideas from Rochester Institute of Technology and LSU suggest considering:
Course modality (online, hybrid, blended, hyflex [2D, 3D], F2F, other) - session format, a/synchronous
Participation expectations as related to modality
Attendance expectations as related to modality
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) expectations (Face covering specifications)
Maintaining Community Safety Best Practices
Continuity of instruction for faculty
Continuity of learning for students
University Computer Use
Netiquette (videoconferencing details)
If our University is forced to close
Technology in and outside of the formal classroom
Student Health (use of the Daily Tracker System and what do to if you experience symptoms)
Key dates (our semester dates have changes)
Inclusive, Accessible learning environment
Accessing computer lab software remotely
Articulation of how office [virtual] hours will be conducted
How to reach the instructor outside of class
How to join the class remotely
I hope that these brief updates add a bit to our on-going pursuit of teaching effectiveness. I welcome further topics, questions and ideas.