T&L with AI SoTL Conference

I do not normally share information on SoTL conferences, but I believe this one is timely and follows the dominant conversation I have been having with colleagues over the last several months. Dr. Kevin Yee, a colleague and long-standing SoTL ed tech experienced practitioner is co-chairing a unique and timely conference entitled, “Teaching & Learning with AI: A Sharing Conference Between Educational Practitioners” on September 24-25, 2023 in Orlando, Florida USA. The event is supported by the UCF Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning and Division of Digital Learning to create the first conference of practitioners to discuss the use and potential impact of AI on teaching and learning in higher education. Both of these divisions have been leaders in this area for over two decades.
This conference is for faculty members, educational developers, instructional designers, academic integrity support staff, administrators, policy makers, and others passionate about authentic, interactive teaching and learning. This is an opportunity for those of us confronted with AI to share stories and ideas – not necessarily research (although could include initial SoTL findings) – and how we can capitalize on the power of this updated technology to further engage our learners.
The call for proposals will close on Monday, June 19, 2023. Proposals can cover a broad range of topics including students using AI, ethical considerations, the use of AI for personal adaptive learning, etc. Visit https://digitallearning.ucf.edu/teachwithai to learn more and submit your proposal. I am happy to assist, support and review your proposal if that would be helpful. I have been discussing Chat GPT/Bard with many of you and believe you are ahead of the curve on creating productive ways to use AI as another tool for engaging teaching and learning - I hope you will consider sharing your insights with our colleagues.
If you have been thinking about AI such as Chat GPT and Google Bard for teaching and learning and are not quite sure if this conference is for you, feel free to review the last few SoTL blog articles on the topic: