End of Term Evidence
In this 250th SoTL Blog post, I would like to share several ways that you can collect evidence of your effective teaching at the end of...

Student Generated Questions
This week I would like to share a recent study entitled, “Comparing the effects of generating questions, testing, and restudying on...

Neurodiverse Students Executive Function Skills
This week I would like to share a recent article entitled, “Ways to Help Neurodiverse Students Improve Executive Function Skills” by...

Nudging Analytics
This week as we continue to re/consider how to engage students in multiple modes, I would like to share a recent 2022 article entitled,...

Research on Life-Changing Teaching
This week I would like to share a somewhat different SoTL article entitled, "The Research on Life-Changing Teaching" by Terada and...

Neuropsychological Impact of Online Learning
As conversations continue on effective methods to create and provide inclusive, accessible teaching and learning environments online...

Seven Principles Online
Previously, I have shared the Chickering and Gamson (1987) foundational resource, "Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate...

Alternative Grading
This week I would like to share a relatively recent article entitled, “How an alternative grading system is improving student learning”...

This week I would like to share an article that was just published this week by Downes simply entitled, “Connectivism” (2022). From the...

Co-op Learning, Concept Map, Lecture
This week I would like to share research published this month on how some of the active learning strategies shared on this SoTL article...