Online Content Sequencing
There has been on-going research in the area of redesigning and migrating courses online, especially on effective methods to sequence...

Effective Learning Videos
As many are beginning a new term, perhaps some have already started their sessions; and most of us remain teaching online, I thought...

Learning Feedback Loops
This week I am working with colleagues on Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation feedback loops, which might align well with how many of...

Refocusing Instructor Presence
Happy New Year! I do wish the best to everyone as we enter a new calendar year. As we finalize our course [re]design, I would like to...

Instructor Self Care
Many are on holiday today, so I thought I would provide a tangent to our Teaching as Research approach and share an article on...

Online with Focus on Pedagogy
I try not to include my research in these weekly offerings, but this week I would like to share a recent paper. While a colleague and I...

Physically Distanced Syllabus Language
As we near mid-December, most of us are more than ready for a bit of a well-deserved break. At the same time, many of us will be...

Teaching and Processing
As we near the end of our terms, we hope that our students are able to retain major concepts discussed in a meaningful way, for potential...

Online Teaching Infographics
As many are taking a bit of a holiday and we are nearing the end of the autumn term, some colleagues are beginning plan for the...

Professional College Teaching
This week there was an Inside Higher Ed article entitled, "Amateur Hour in the College Classroom" by Mintz that seems to resonate with...