Leave Me and My Facebook Alone
This week we have conducted a number of classroom observations. An interesting commonality between observations was what one should do...

Advice for Getting Published: Be Curious
I would like to share a mid-week SoTL article/blog that I was fortunate to publish in PubFacts this week. It seems that productive...

Reading Tough Texts
We have enjoyed faculty conversations this week on student feedback and deep reading and thought it would be appropriate to share the...

Method for Evaluating Faculty Development
This month the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) published a white paper, entitled “Connecting the Dots: A Proposed...

Diverse Methods for SoTL
We thought that we would share a paper by our guest speaker Dr. Hubball for next week’s event, entitled "Diverse Methodological...

Effective Discussions
The topic of effective and engaging discussions has come up in several conversations this week and therefore we thought to share the 2017...

SoTL Champions
Today we would like to share a 2015 SoTL article, entitled SoTL Champions: Leveraging Their Lessons Learned” by Marcketti, VanDerZanden...

Mobile Apps for Teaching
We are pleased to offer Apps & Appetizers, an event where faculty share how they are integrating meaningful technology into their...

Electronic vs Handwritten Feedback
Colleagues, this week we would like to share a recent paper, entitled, “Does Mechanism Matter? Student Recall of Electronic versus...

Experiential Learning
I have been fortunate to work and publish with the lead author of this weeks 2017 paper, with an intriguing title of, “Convicts,...