Open Resource Textbooks
This week we have had several discussions on the topic of Open Resource Textbooks, their quality, perceptions of use and effect on...

Student Feedback on Teaching
This week the Center has administered several Small Group Perception student voices surveys, and a number of classroom observations, from...

SoTL and IRB
We frequently receive inquiries about the IRB process and thought this week we would share Linder, Elek, and Calderon’s (2014) article,...

Lecture Capture Impact
Over the years, we have had questions about how Podcast (Lecture Capture, LC) might be beneficial to learning. So, we would like to share...

SoTL Research Fellow
During this week’s Course Design Studio focused on new instructors of record we encountered rich dialogue about navigating uncertainty...

Classroom Climate
We truly appreciate suggestions from faculty, so we are pleased to share this week’s topic on "Developing a Positive Classroom Climate”...

Learning Style Myth
We have received questions on “learning styles” which according to Pashler (2009) refers to “the concept that individuals differ in...

Graphic Syllabus
This week we were fortunate to have completed our 15th Course Design Studio over the past two years. We thought it timely to share this...

Transformative Learning
Last week our CET team presented findings on our programs at the Transformative Learning Conference and is now preparing for next week's...

Social Emotional Development
We would like to share a 2011 paper by a colleague, Dr. Craig Seal, et al. The paper is entitled, "Social Emotional Development: A new...