When Success Creates a Failed Event
“We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.” Rabindranath Tagore (Bengali mystic, Nobel Laureate, 1913) Life is not a linear...

Humor and Failed Events
“You tried, and you failed, so the lesson is, never try” Homer Simpson Failed event humor is a small step in building resilience and...

Steps to Identify a Failed Event
Step 1. Are you doing something… anything? One cannot fail unless one actual tries to do something first. This step may seem overly...

Life Span of a Failed Event
The birth of a failed event may occur at any point of our lives and its mortality depends on how we respond to each event. Just as there...

Seasonal Failed Events
Whether you believe in cycles or the pendulum affect, most of nature revolves and evolves around episodic recurrence. Are there seasons...

Genus and Species of a Failed Event
The Latin interpretation literally of failed event would be ‘Deficio vicis’. This seems odd to us, since deficio means indicates a type...

The Scat of a Failed Event
The aftermath of a failed event depends on the mental and emotional diet that the person has ingested and brought into the event. If the...

Failed Events as Moments
Life is simply a series of random moments connected together through an understanding of what has happened in the past and what we...

The Academy of Failed Events
The academe could be providing the greatest detriment to a positive philosophy of a failed event. When asked about failure, many people...

Design Thinking and Failed Events
What is the practical value of adopting a fail-friendly attitude? Leaders in innovation and design advocate for learning from failure as...