Teaching International Students
This week, I would like to share a recently published article by a colleague on the topic of Faculty Development Adjustments for...

Thinking about thinking
A topic that arises occasionally during conversations is student self-reflection and metacognition. An article published recently by a...

Assessing Instructor Effectiveness
The conversation of Teaching Effectiveness seems to be ever present here, on many campuses and in the literature. This week, I would like...

Lecture and Understanding
This week, I would like to share an article on "The More I Lecture, The Less I Know If They Understand” by Grant Wiggins (from our...

Power of Feedback
NEW Audio Podcast summarizing this article, click on the picture! I was thrilled to hear from a faculty, who suggested the following...

Index of Teaching Strategies
Frequently, I am asked to share specific research supporting various instructional approaches. So, I thought a summary of the Index of...

Teaching Statements
This week I was fortunate to chat with several faculty on preparing or updating their Teaching Statements, so I thought this article on...

Active Learning Spaces
There has been significant research published on the concept of Active Learning (AL) Classrooms, detailing the potential benefits of...

Faculty Use of Student Data
I would like to share the 2016 article by a UT Austin faculty on "Factors Associated with Faculty Use of Student Data for Instructional...

Maker Spaces
In the 2014 article “The Maker Movement in Education Halverson (University of Wisconsin–Madison) and Sheridan (George Mason University)...