Teaching as Serious Intellectual Work
To start off the new year, I thought that I would share a brief editorial on teaching from the open access journal, InSight: A Journal of...

SoTL as Knowledge
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) as a form of troublesome knowledge Over the past nine months, I have been sharing information...

Universal Design for Learning
Following on last week’s Course Redesign Studio (CRS), I thought instead of a SoTL article, I would share these suggestions for Universal...

Syllabus Rubric
On the final day of our Course Design Studio, we share example syllabi and participants create a syllabus using Learning Outcomes,...

Alignment in Higher Ed
Since final examinations are next week, I thought that sharing a paper on the topic of Assessment might be of interest. The attached...

Course Redesign
I thought it might be beneficial to share recent research, published August 2016 in the Inside Higher Ed on the topic of Course Design....

Getting Started in SoTL
I have found a reoccurring theme on exploring instructional methods and subsequently, how do we know what might work in our classrooms....

Self-Regulated Learning
I would like to share research on the topic of Self-Regulated Learning and Metacognition. From Creating Self-Regulated Learners:...

Evaluating Participation
I would like to share the article on a topic, which has become a common theme in many of my discussions I have enjoyed with faculty over...