Two Hour Rule
This week's post is not a SoTL article, although it aligns with research on teaching and may provide another perspective on student...

Stress in Higher Ed
This week, I would like to share an article that directly affects SoTL, as well as everything we do as faculty (and humans) - stress....

Learning Theories
Instead of a SoTL article, this week I would like to share an extensive resource on Learning Theories (Schunk, 2012), which should be...

Last week, there was an Inside Higher Ed article entitled "When Grading Less is More" by Flaherty (which received over 50 comments in two...

Role of Discomfort in Learning
This week an article was published entitled, "Examining the Role of Discomfort in Collegiate Learning and Development" by Taylor and...

Clicker Response Systems
A few months ago, an article was published entitled, "Clickers can promote fact retention but impede conceptual understanding: The effect...

Evidence Based Teaching Strategies
First, I would like to welcome our new readers from NYU Prague! This week, I am sharing a compilation of the "Top Evidence Based...

Motivating Students
The major reoccurring topic this week was student motivation, so I would like to share this 2017 study entitled, "Quality Instruction as...

Making Teaching More Engaging
This week, instead of a SoTL article, I would like to share a recent article from the Chronicle, entitled "How to make your teaching more...

Measuring Student Engagement
I am thrilled to share another request, on the topic of how to measure student engagement. I will actually share several articles and...