Cognitive Load
Many times during the term, we are concerned about how students are processing, applying and retaining information in a meaningful and...

Teaching Large Classes
This week's article on Class Size is a faculty request (which I hope happens more). Increasing the number of students in classes has been...

Note-taking Research
Relatively recent research on student note-taking during class indicated long-hand may be best, much attributed to potential distractions...

Asking More Effective Questions
A frequent question asked is how to encourage active discussion, which begins with our instructional design. To assist, I would like to...

Motivating Students to Read
This week's post was identified through a chat and the Chronicle article on "Are You Assigning Too Much Reading?" So, I would like to...

Curricular Transformation Assessment
I would like to share a 2019 article entitled, "The Knowing is half the battle: Assessments of student perception and performance are...

Increasing Student Engagement
"Effective teaching methods can stimulate student engagement, and that student engagement is associated with positive learning outcomes"...

Situated Cognition
This week, I would like to share a 2002 article entitled, Situated Cognition and Problem-Based Learning by Hung. Situated Cognition (SC)...

Hours to Create a Quality Course
This week I was asked, "how many hours does it take to develop a quality course?" I found very few sources on the topic, but there was...

Syllabus Design Research
During our recess, perhaps some of us are thinking about the next term, so I would like to share research on "The Effects of Syllabus...