Habits of Mind
The topic of "habits of mind" was discussed several times this week, so I thought I would share this 2012 article entitled, "Using...

![Student Evaluation of Teaching [again]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/bad412bdcdb649c3a792459e7e720f83.jpeg/v1/fill/w_319,h_240,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/bad412bdcdb649c3a792459e7e720f83.webp)
Student Evaluation of Teaching [again]
Tis the season ... for Student Evaluations of Teaching (SETs), or what some refer to as Student Perception of Instruction. So, I would...

Student Learning Techniques
As we near the end of yet another semester, I thought it might be helpful to share this 2013 article, "Improving Students’ Learning With...

What Makes Great Teaching
This week, I enjoyed several engaging conversations with faculty and the one that stood out was on the debate between process and...

US Thanksgiving Holiday
Sorry, I will not be posting a SoTL article this week due to the US Thanksgiving Holiday. Enjoy.

Team Teaching
This week, two faculty asked about the research on team teaching, so I thought I would share Team Teaching: A Summary by Halverson...

Self-testing Study Strategies
Many of us have just passed mid-way through our terms, perhaps returning mid-term assessments to students. I thought this 2012 paper on...

Teaching Dossiers
I have been fortunate to work with several faculty on their third year reviews, which include a teaching dossier. So, I thought sharing...

Integrating Mental Models
This week I engaged in an incredible chat on mental models and would like to share the article, "Challenging Learning Journeys: Using...

Mid-Semester Teaching Research
For many, it is mid-way through our semester, which can present teaching and professional development opportunities. A study by Cohen...