Supporting Number Sense with Virtual Manipulatives
During the transition from face-to-face to online teaching, we engaged pre- and in-service teachers in a virtual professional development...

Course Design for Online Instruction
This week many of us are finishing our term and planning for the summer. Universities are discussing how they might offer fall classes...

Mixed Mode Instruction
This week, I have been discussing with faculty what teaching might look like in the fall term. So, I put together this white paper of...

Online Teaching Reflections
After long months teaching online, we have finally made it to May! I realize that some are ending the semester, while others are in the...

Online Ed Summary
Many of us are nearing the end of an unusual term, much of which was taught online. I would like to share a 2019 article, "Does Online...

Student Persistence Online
As we continue to teach online, many are concerned with how we can help our students maintain focus. A 2012 literature review entitled...

Fancy Pedagogy
During our Advance Course Design Studio II this week, someone mentioned the term "fancy technology." As a group, we began to discuss how...

Student to Student Learning
This week, I was asked a question from a colleague who wanted to continue engaging students online using research for student to student...

Online Pedagogy
Some of us are mid-way through our semester and others on the quarter system are beginning a new term, perhaps the first they have...

High-Impact Instructional Practices Online
This week, I would like to share recent research (November 2019) on High-Impact Instructional Practices (HIIP), which we might consider...